
StartPLAY is an interdisciplinary conference on gamification and entrepreneurship and will take place on August 5 and 6, 2022 at the University of Koblenz-Landau. The conference aims to bring together practice and science to jointly generate innovations at the interface between entrepreneurship a...

In cooperation with the Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG​, we are looking for students (m / f / d) who are interested in writing a master's thesis on the subject of "Gamification in Inbound Logistics". Starting with a paid three-month voluntary internship, you can get to know Lidl's logistics at the in...

Together with Prof. Dr. Daniel Roth from the Department of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering, Department of Computer Science, we started our new lecture 'Exergames' today. In this interdisciplinary lecture, students of medical technology, computer science, artificial intelligence and...

As part of our lecture Designing Gamified Systems, we will host a guest talk on how gamification can be used to promote sustainable consumption next Thursday, 17th of June. Georgina Guillén-Hanson and Daniel Fernández Galeote from the Gamification Group at Tampere University in Finland will give ...

Video gaming is on a fast-track to becoming olympic! The IOC surprisingly hosts an eSports event as a pre-event of the Olympic Games this year in Japan. In the upcoming year, the 19th Asian Games 2022 in Hangzhou will be the first olympic event in which both eSports and sports athletes can receive g...