Sandra Birnstiel

Sandra Birnstiel

Doctoral Researcher

School of Business, Economics and Society
Gamification Research Group

Room: Room 3.123
Lange Gasse 20
90403 Nürnberg


Sandra Birnstiel is a PhD candidate at the FAU and part of the Gamification Research Group. There she investigates innovative gamification approaches in team sports to optimize performance diagnostics and training.

She completed her Master’s degree in Human-Computer-Interaction in Würzburg, where she investigated the effect of virtual shoes in embodied virtual reality for her Master’s thesis. Sandra received her bachelor’s degree in Human-Computer-Systems, also in Würzburg. In addition to her studies, she worked as a student assistant and contributed to teaching and research.

Research Interests

  • Gamification, Exergames and Motivational Design
  • (Team) Sports
  • Quantified Self
  • eSports
